35.The Alpha Trailer is Nearly Finished

Joe has completed the final fitting of the fenders on the Alpha trailer. I must say that this has not been an easy project. This Blog makes it look simple but we have had to over come some obstacles from time to time. I’m very proud of Joe being the guinea pig on this project. He has set the pace from the beginning. I must admit that I have taken advantage of Joe’s leadership on the project. He has advised us of all the problems that we were going to have and we adjusted to avoid the pitfalls that the Alpha trailer encountered. I know that he did not mind this because he is my Pop. I’m very lucky to have a Dad like him.
Since the holidays are behind me now I plan on trying to complete the Bravo trailer soon. Rodney lives about 30 miles away from the shop and it has been difficult for him to find time to work on the Charlie trailer. We plan to help him on the Charlie trailer and have it ready before spring.